اعادة الاعمار والتعاون الانماي الدولي

The Reconstruction of Iraq after 2003 Learning from Its Successes and Failures. By Hideki Matsunaga

This report was developed and managed by a team led by Hideki Matsunaga and comprised of Riad Houry and Natsuko Yukawa. Thamir Al Ghadhban and Joseph Saba served as external advisors to the team, and Shantayanan Devarajan provided valuable advice and guidance from the beginning of the research until the final draft. Hafez Ghanem and Saroj Kumar Jha chaired review meetings and helped us to consolidate diverse and valuable comments and to finalize the report. Neil O’Reilly provided substantial input and guidance on multiple versions of the draft. The report benefited at various stages from the guidance and comments of World Bank management and staff, including Asad Alam, Abdallah Al Dardari, Nazaneen Ismail Ali, Zainab A Allawi, Rabah Arezki, Raja Rehan Arshad, Lemya Izzet Ayub, Daniel Kiernan Balke, Ferid Belhaj, Franck Bousquet, Kevin Carey, Emmanuel F. Cuvillier, Ibrahim Dajani, Miguel Angel De Corral Martin, Thomas Djurhuus, Faizaa Fatima, Sepehr Fotovat, Abderrahim Fraiji, Katsumasa Hamaguchi, Ellen Hamilton, Syed Mehdi Hassan, Elena Ianchovichina, Robert Bou Jaoude, Omer Karasapan, Claire Khoury, Andrew C. Kircher, Sibel Kulaksiz, Daniel Lederman, Roland Lomme, Pilar Maisterra, Stephan Massing, Piers Merrick, Janet Lynn Minatelli, Nafie Mohammed Mofid, Richard Olowo, Zeinab Partow, Nadia Fernanda Piffaretti, Francesca Recanatini, Yara Salem, Sajjad Ali Shah Sayed, Simon Stolp, Mio Takada, and Kanae Watanabe. The team also acknowledges the valuable insights offered by experts from Iraq, academia, civil society, international organizations, and donor organizations, including Bisrat Aklilu, Huda Malik Alani, Sherazade Boualia, Derick Brinkerhoff, Arthur Brown, Carel de Rooy, Lukman Faily, Charles Freeman, Matthew Fuller, Gerard Gomez, Shigeru Handa, Naofumi Hashimoto, Fumio Iwai, Bruce Jones, Izuru Kimura, Bruno Lemarquis, Humam Misconi, Kansuke Nagaoka, Haydar Nasser, Shohei Nishimura, Tomofumi Nishinaga, Haitham Hadi Numan,
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الاراء المطروحة في جميع الدراسات والابحاث والمقالات المنشورة على موقع الشبكة لاتعكس بالضرورة وجهة نظر هيئة تحرير الموقع ولا تتحمل شبكة الاقتصاديين العراقيين المسؤولية العلمية والقانونية عن محتواها وانما المؤلف حصريا. لاينشر اي تعليق يتضمن اساءة شخصية الى المؤلف او عبارات الكراهية الى مكون اجتماعي وطائفة دينية أو الى اي شخصية أو مؤسسة رسمية او دينية

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