Helfont: New Book on Saddam, Islam, and ISIS

Samuel Helfont draws on extensive research with Ba'thist archives to investigate the roots of the religious insurgencies that erupted in Iraq following the American-led invasion in 2003. In looking at Saddam Hussein's policies in the 1990s, many have interpreted his support for state-sponsored religion as evidence of a dramatic shift away from Arab nationalism toward politica

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Economics books in 2017. By The Enlightened Economist

Download PDF: economics-books-in-2017-by-the-enlightened-economist Here is my annual round up of titles that look interesting from the various spring catalogues (I’ve noted a few of these in separate posts before but it’s always handy to gather them together). There are quite a few enticing titles in the Princeton University Press one (my own publisher). Cass Sunstein has&n

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The Lines That Bind: 100 Years of Sykes-Picot. Andrew J. Tabler, Editor

DOWNLOAD PDF A century after diplomats Mark Sykes of Britain and François Georges-Picot of France drew up a secret agreement to divide the Ottoman lands of the Middle East, a look at the modern map indicates the resulting states have largely stood the test of time -- at least thus far. Most of these states are now under considerable demographic, economic,

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