The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) details its role in Iraq and discloses its most prominent projects and axes of joint cooperation

Baghdad - INA - Harith al-Abadi The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has detaild today, Saturday, its role in Iraq, 2014, While JICA disclosed the most prominent projects and axes of joint cooperation, and revealed the volume of budgets and loans allocated to implement its projects in Iraq, and the most prominent challenges and obstacles facing some projects. G

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Iraq Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Fund (I3RF): Trust Fund Annual Progress Report to Development Partners 2021

The Iraq Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Fund (I3RF) was founded in partnership with the Government of Iraq in 2018 and is funded by Canada, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The Trust Fund provides a platform for financing and strategic dialogue for reconstruction and development in Iraq, with a focus on promoting targeted national reform efforts and improving the ef

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World Bank: Global Economic Prospects 2022

Global growth to slow through 2023: New Global Economic Prospects report Following a strong rebound in 2021, the global economy is entering a pronounced slowdown amid fresh threats from COVID-19 variants and a rise in inflation, debt, and income inequality that could endanger the recovery in emerging and developing economies, according to the World Bank’s lat

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IMF: World Economic Outlook – October 2021

The analysis and projections contained in the World Economic Outlook are integral elements of the IMF’s surveillance of economic developments and policies in its member countries, of developments in international financial markets, and of the global economic system. The survey of prospects and policies is the product of a comprehensive interdepartmental review of world economic

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