BP Energy Outlook 2020 Edition

The energy outlook explores the forces shaping the global transition out to 2050 and the key uncertainties surrounding this transition. The Energy Outlook considers a number of different scenarios These scenarios is not prediction of what is likely to happen or what BP would like to happens. Click on following link to download the full report bp-energy-outlook-2020

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The Iraq Considers A String Of Massive Oil Deals With China. By Simon Watkins

Iraq's With the Western-leaning, reformist agenda of Iran President, Hassan Rouhani, neutered by the unilateral withdrawal of the U.S. from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in 2018, hardline groups led by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) have been able to gradually recoup all of their previous power and influence, and more. The additional part has been a defi

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IBBC Advisory Council: ‘Iraq 2020: A country at the crossroads’.

The purpose of this extensive paper is to provide insight and advice to the new Iraqi Government. It particularly focuses on the political and economic backdrop to the country, with analysis and solutions from a private sector perspective.   The papers authors are Professor Frank Gunter (lead author), Prof, Mohammed Al Uzri, Dr Renad Mansour, Mr Hani Akkawi, Mr Husse

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Worldbank: World Commodity Market Outlook April 2020

(1) The link below is for World Bank’s World Commodity Market Outlook April 2020. It was released on May 1. https://www.worldbank.org/en/research/commodity-markets (2) Its sections on energy, and oil in particular, including Box 1, pp 24-30, are very much worth reading. (3) It expects a price for oil (average of Brent, Dubai, and WTI) of $35/B for 2020 to rise to $42/B

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