Effects of Terrorism on Labor Market: A Case Study of Iraq. By Dr. Asmaa Yaseen

Abstract This study provides empirical evidence on the economic consequences of terrorism on the labor market and labor force by looking at the case of Iraq. We develop a set of hypotheses from classical labor economic theory around the consumer maximization problem and propose a threshold for endangerment costs that, when reached, cause households to choose not working, and

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Iraq must invest in education to secure its future. By Peter Hawkins *

Peter Hawkins

The cost of investing in Iraq's education will be high, but the return of this investment will be immense.   Displaced Iraqi boys enter a tent school set by United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) at Hammam al-Alil camp south of Mosul [Ari Jalal/Reuters] by Even though 200,000 people - 85,000 of them children - continue to be trapped in the violence raging in west

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Nearly 20 percent of Iraq workforce employed by govt: PM

BAGHDAD: Nearly one in five members of the Iraqi workforce are government employees, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said Thursday, as he attempts to reform the country's bloated and often-corrupt civil service. "We have a state with more than four million employees," Abadi said in televised remarks from a conference on implementing economic reforms in Iraq. "Neighboring c

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