Water supply key to outcome of conflicts in Iraq and Syria, experts warn – Security analysts in London and Baghdad say control of rivers and dams has become a major tactical weapon for Isis. By John Vidal

The outcome of the Iraq and Syrian conflicts may rest on who controls the region’s dwindling water supplies, say security analysts in London and Baghdad. Rivers, canals, dams, sewage and desalination plants are now all military targets in the semi-arid region that regularly experiences extreme water shortages, says Michael Stephen, deputy director of the Royal United Services

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Where will the Independent KRG’s Oil Export Lead to? By Munir Chalabi*

Download PDF 1- Preface As from January 2014, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has begun to export crude oil directly to world oil markets through a new pipeline to the Turkish port of Ceyhan from oil fields under its control. Dispatched without the approval of Iraq’s central government, with the first shipment put up for sale before the end of January 2014. With the

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Iraq needs drastic rethink on crude resources. By Saadallah Al Fathi

The Ministry has to expedite projects and corrections to stabilise the energy situation in the country   As if to commemorate the 11th anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq, the ‘Economist’ in its March 23 issue had an article titled ‘Electricity in Iraq’ and added ‘Not yet switched on, in any way’. The Ministry of Electricity recently said that available s

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