Iraq’s budget problems go beyond Erbil-Baghdad crisis. By Harith Hasan

The Iraqi parliament still has not been able to approve the draft general budget for 2014, prompting Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to warn of the possibility of a major financial crisis and a disruption of state institutions. As the conflict continues between Baghdad and Erbil regarding Iraqi Kurdistan's share in the state budget, there is a pressing need for the government t

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Critique of IEA Iraq Oil Outlook 2012 coverage and challenges facing the Iraq’s Oil Sector. By Dr Thamir Uqaili*

Download PDF This article discusses some of the main issues covered by IEA Iraq Energy Outlook 2012 and the challenges facing the Federal Hydrocarbon plans. In absence of long term strategy and planning by Iraq’s Ministry of Oil, the issues discussed here are guidelines for radical actions required to ensure flow of enough revenue from Oil and Gas exports to: Reconstruct and

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Oil export revenue of Iraq to jump at the record high position

Revenue through oil export in Iraq is likely to increase for the month of April as Basrah Light crude to Asia sells at the highest rate in more than a year against Saudi prices and shipments expand. Iraq is set to export the most Basrah Light in at least two years next month, at the same time as the grade’s discount to Saudi crude is the narrowest in 17 months. Alexander Poegl,

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