Mdm. Salam Smesim Ph.D

Download PDF: CV Salam Smesim Curriculum Vitae Mdm. Salam Smesim Ph.D Personal Information:   Surname: Smeasim First Names: Salam Abdul-Karim Mahdi Place & Date of Birth: Baghdad 1959 Matrial Status: Married, 3 children Sex: Female Degree Ph.D. in  Economics Position: Economics Advisor Address: Iraq, Baghdad, P.O. Box. 60312.   Scientific Degrees

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Management of Iraq’s Oil and Gas Sector, By Dr Thamir Al-Uqaili

Download Introduction The Iraqi Hydrocarbon File has always been linked with the independence and stability of Iraq. Management of the oil sector due to its speciality and diversity requires effective management, security and strong central government. Unfortunately several factors played destructive parts in all life aspects during the time of Saddam’s rule and since the chang

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Iraq’s Petroleum Law: Problematic Issues & its Fate, By Tariq Shafiq*

Download   1.0 Background In May 2006, following the initiation of Dr Maliki’s cabinet of national unity and the appointment of Dr Hussain Shehristani to the portfolio of the Ministry of Oil (MoO), I was approached with the task of drafting the Iraq petroleum law. Two associates Iraqi oil technocrats and I, who have then had a combined international oil industry expe

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