Iraqi Oil Production Stays Strong Despite Falling Oil Prices. By Farrah Khouri *

A report published by the  Economic Times  revealed that the total oil exports from Iraq had decreased this month with just 2.92 million barrels per day. Production in southern Iraq slipped from its 2.71 million average in March to 2.5 million barrels per day in the first half of April, yet these numbers are still quite impressive in the face of a global oil crisis. Oil product

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Naimi says Saudi oil production near record high in April. By Meeyoung Cho

SEOUL, April 20 (Reuters) – Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi says Saudi Arabia is producing near record levels of crude in April, underscoring the kingdom’s willingness to defend market share at a time when oil markets have staged a fragile recovery. There are worries among some producers that growing output from Saudi Arabia and other members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exp

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Iraq’s beleaguered petrochemicals sector gets a lift. By Saadallah Al Fathi *

The news from Iraq is not always depressing, though after further scrutiny one becomes apprehensive. A few days ago, the Ministry of Industry (MoI) signed an “in principle” agreement with Royal Dutch Shell to build a petrochemical plant at an estimated cost of $11 billion (Dh40.4 billion) in the Basra region. The plant should be operational in five years, as reported by news a

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