World Bank: Iraq Economic Monitor, Fall 2022: A New Opportunity to Reform

The World Bank’s new Iraq Economic Monitor, A New Opportunity to Reform finds that high oil prices have boded well for Iraq’s economy pushing fiscal and external balance into double digit surpluses. After growing by 2.8 percent in 2021, GDP growth accelerate in the first half of 2022 to 10.5 percent thanks to rising oil output and a recovery in domestic economic activity after

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Iraq Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Fund (I3RF): Trust Fund Annual Progress Report to Development Partners 2021

The Iraq Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Fund (I3RF) was founded in partnership with the Government of Iraq in 2018 and is funded by Canada, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The Trust Fund provides a platform for financing and strategic dialogue for reconstruction and development in Iraq, with a focus on promoting targeted national reform efforts and improving the ef

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The Road to Economic Recovery in Iraq. – By Adam Abuelheiga

SEATTLE, Washington — Iraq has been facing some extremely difficult times for nearly two decades now. Despite the success in ending the reign of Saddam Hussein, many people view the Iraq War as having been ineffective and ultimately causing more harm than good. While the reign of ISIS in the country has ended, there is still a long way to go on the journey to economic recovery

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What should the next Iraqi Prime Minister do? By Amer Hirmis*

[An open letter to the next Iraqi Prime Minister to develop Iraq’s economy] [Risāla maftūha li Ra’īs al-Wizarā’ al-‘Irāqi al-tāli li Inmā’ Iqtisad al-‘Irāq]   In our world, there is only one race – the Human Race. Wars and sanctions do not produce economic development – Peace Does.   Today, most Iraqis live in anticipation. Their trust in the political class t

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