Iraq Plans to Build 10 Gigawatts of Solar Projects Over 10 Years

While oil’s dizzying collapse is still fresh for many traders, rumblings are starting to emerge that by the end of next year prices could once again top $100 a barrel. Azerbaijan’s Socar Trading SA predicts global benchmark Brent could hit triple digitsin the next 18 to 24 months, and Bank of America sees potential spikes above $100over the next few years on improving fundamen

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Egypt, Iraq sign memoranda of understanding to strengthen bilateral relations

CAIRO - 31 October 2020: The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed, on Saturday, in a statement, that the visit of the Egyptian delegation to Baghdad comes as a continuation of the round of in-depth discussions conducted by Iraqi Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein in Cairo, which he met with senior Egyptian officials, headed by the President al-Sisi and the Prime Minister Most

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