The UN Strikes Back at ISIL’s Black Economy. By Luay Al Khatteeb*

The United Nation Security Council dramatically escalated the conflict with the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL), Al Nusra Front (JNF) and other Al Qaeda splinter groups by passing UN Resolution 2170 in August 2014, thereby expanding the range of retaliatory measures (short of military action) against individuals associated with those groups. This UN Security Council is

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The Real Middle East Crisis Is Economic. By Michael Sing*

It would be naive to think that economic growth will solve all of the Middle East's thorny dilemmas; but it would be equally naive to believe that they can be solved without it. President Obama surprised many recently when he diagnosed the crisis gripping Iraq as partly an economic one, noting that Iraqi Sunnis were "detached from the global economy" and thus frustrated in ach

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Water supply key to outcome of conflicts in Iraq and Syria, experts warn – Security analysts in London and Baghdad say control of rivers and dams has become a major tactical weapon for Isis. By John Vidal

The outcome of the Iraq and Syrian conflicts may rest on who controls the region’s dwindling water supplies, say security analysts in London and Baghdad. Rivers, canals, dams, sewage and desalination plants are now all military targets in the semi-arid region that regularly experiences extreme water shortages, says Michael Stephen, deputy director of the Royal United Services

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Why unbridled oil consumption in the Middle East could pose a threat to the region and beyond. By Keith Johnson

Download PDF From the American point of view, the biggest energy revolution in recent years has been the explosion in domestic supplies of oil and gas that has catapulted the United States into the top ranks of global energy producers. But globally, one of the most important, if less visible, energy revolutions has been the ongoing explosion in demand for oil in the Middle Ea

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