Estimating the Economic Benefits of Levant Integration. By Daniel Egel, Andrew Parasiliti, Charles P. Ries, Dori Walker

Economic integration in the Levant — in the form of a comprehensive free trade agreement (FTA) that eliminates tariffs, lowers investment and nontariff barriers, and waives visa requirements — could increase the average gross domestic product of the Levant nations by 3–7 percent. This economic expansion would likely create at least 0.7 million to 1.7 million additional new jobs

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Analysis: Can Arabs unplug Iraq from Iran? By Salah Nasrawi

Arab powerhouses trying to pull Iraq out of Iran’s sphere of influence might face a tremendous challenge Over the last few months Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have stepped up efforts to enhance cooperation with Iraq, which still relies heavily on neighbouring Iran in energy and other economic domains. The two Sunni heavyweights, Saudi Ara

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