Kuwait casts out an old refinery and starts on new. By Saadallah Al Fathi

Alliance with Oman for Duqm plant is a model others in the Gulf can follow It is ironic that Kuwait retires a large and complex refinery and signs a joint venture with Oman to build another large and more complex refinery all in the same week. Kuwait finally retired the Shauiba refinery, a scheme talked about for many years, after serving for almost 50 years. The move is se

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Saudi-Iraqi relations: A regional safety net. By Hassan Al Mustafa *

The meeting between Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi during the Arab summit last month in Jordan was not a protocol meeting for the sake of peace or a photo op. It falls within the path of continuous communication between Riyadh and Baghdad and aims to enhance bilateral relations, establish trust and create a unified front to confront ter

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Saudi Arabia’s Economic Time Bomb. By Luay Al Khatteeb

Download PDF: saudi-arabias-economic-time-bomb-by-luay-al-khatteeb Time is a luxury that Saudi Arabia can no longer take for granted. It faces an economic time bomb, which, if not defused, will have severe and possibly irreversible effects both nationally and internationally. The 2014-2015 collapse in oil prices has slashed the Kingdom’s main source of revenue which makes 77

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