Water supply key to outcome of conflicts in Iraq and Syria, experts warn – Security analysts in London and Baghdad say control of rivers and dams has become a major tactical weapon for Isis. By John Vidal

The outcome of the Iraq and Syrian conflicts may rest on who controls the region’s dwindling water supplies, say security analysts in London and Baghdad. Rivers, canals, dams, sewage and desalination plants are now all military targets in the semi-arid region that regularly experiences extreme water shortages, says Michael Stephen, deputy director of the Royal United Services

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Iraq marshes are getting restored, providing growth to boat building industries

The site of fisherman sailing on the Shatt al -Arab waterway had become a thing of the past. Southern Iraq's marshlands have been revived recently which is encouraging the fishermen in a new way and boat maker of that region are finding new hopes for their businesses. During 1990, the area was completely dumped and drained by the president of Iraq at that time, Mr. Saddam Huss

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