Turkey will make our rivers run dry. By Talib Murad Elam *

I was not invited to last week’s Strategic Foresight Group’s Blue Peace meeting in Jordon but that comes as no surprise to me because when, at the Blue Peace meeting in Istanbul in March, I queried why there was no Arabic translation available for the numerous representatives of the Arabic media, I was curtly told by Sundeep Waslekar, founder of the Strategic Foresight Group“We

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Iraq’s Petroleum Law: Problematic Issues & its Fate, By Tariq Shafiq*

Download   1.0 Background In May 2006, following the initiation of Dr Maliki’s cabinet of national unity and the appointment of Dr Hussain Shehristani to the portfolio of the Ministry of Oil (MoO), I was approached with the task of drafting the Iraq petroleum law. Two associates Iraqi oil technocrats and I, who have then had a combined international oil industry expe

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