Interantional Energy Agecy: World Energy Outlook 2021

Foreword The World Energy Outlook (WEO) is usually published in November. However, for the second year in a row, the International Energy Agency (IEA) is releasing our flagship report a month early, in October. We did this last year because it was an exceptional year defined by the Covid-19 crisis. This year is another exceptional year because of the COP26 Climate Change Con

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IMF: Regional Economic Outlook Update – Middle East and Central Asia

Acknowledgments The Middle East and Central Asia Regional Economic Outlook (REO) Update is prepared each spring by the IMF’s Middle East and Central Asia Department (MCD). The analysis and projections contained in the MCD REO are integral elements of the department’s surveillance of economic developments and policies in member countries. It draws primarily on information gat

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Iraq, the United States, and the “New” Middle East. By Anthony H. Cordesman

The U.S. “long war” in Afghanistan may be ending, although it is far from clear what will happen when U.S. forces fully withdraw, and there is no way to predict what kind of new government will emerge and what level of U.S. aid and assistance – if any – will continue. The story in Iraq, however, is very different. The “long war” in Iraq against ISIS and extremist movements has

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FOREWORD This paper builds on the “Impact of the Oil Crisis and COVID-19 on Iraq’s Fragility” published in August 2020 by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). It explored how the COVID-19 pandemic and diminishing oil revenues are affecting various dimensions of Iraq’s fragility. A series of forthcoming papers will provide more details on key aspects of Iraq

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