Analysis: Can Arabs unplug Iraq from Iran? By Salah Nasrawi

Arab powerhouses trying to pull Iraq out of Iran’s sphere of influence might face a tremendous challenge Over the last few months Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have stepped up efforts to enhance cooperation with Iraq, which still relies heavily on neighbouring Iran in energy and other economic domains. The two Sunni heavyweights, Saudi Ara

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Top Risks 2021

Ian Bremmer, President Cliff Kupchan, Chairman Overview At the start of 2021, the United States is the most powerful, politically divided, and economically unequal of the world’s industrial democracies. China is America’s strongest competitor, a state capitalist, authoritarian, and techno-surveillance regime that is increasingly mistrusted by most G20 countries. German

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A rejoinder to World Bank’s response to my article Re: ‘World Bank assessment is flawed…manufacturing is viable in Iraq.’By Dr. Amer Hirmis

To the editors of the ‘Iraqi Economists Network’ (IEN)   At the outset, my thanks go to the editors of the IEN and also to the World Bank’s ‘Country Economic Memorandum Team’ (WB-Team) for their interest in my article posted at the IEN website in early March (

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