Foreign Investment: The Non-oil Revenue Source Iraq Needs to Ensure a Vibrant and Sustainable Economy . BY BASTA SIRWAN*

Foreign Investment: The Non-oil Revenue Source Iraq Needs to Ensure a Vibrant and Sustainable Economy . BY BASTA SIRWAN* Executive Summary:  For Iraq, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) could be the answer to fiscal improvements and increasing foreign currency reserve in the market. Global demand for oil export is expected to continue, thus exploiting high energy prices to m

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Iraq Needs a New Kind of Partnership With the United States The Path to Sustainable Cooperation. By Mohammed Shia al-Sudani

Two decades ago, the United States assisted the Iraqi people in overthrowing the dictatorial regime of Saddam Hussein and laying the foundations for a democratic system. It enabled Iraqis to taste freedom for the "first time, eliminating the oppression and the misuse of resources that had caused problems not only for my country but also for the region more broadly. Since the

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Why the Iraqi ruling elites pivot to China. By Sardar Aziz *

Over the past 15 years, China has executed a strategy in Iraq that has been incredibly effective. Although the two countries recently commemorated their 65th anniversary of friendship, arguably this relationship really began in earnest in 2007 when the two countries’ presidents met and China agreed to cancel Iraq’s debt. China’s debt relief served as a prelude to its eventual e

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A golden opportunity: How Iraq can benefit from regional calm. By Hamza Hadad*

Following the recent thaw in relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Iraq is strengthening its ties with GCC states. European countries should support this development, which could help Iraq address its domestic challenges   For decades, Iraq has been caught in the crossfire of tensions between neighbouring Iran and Saudi Arabia. But following the recent thaw in rel

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