The Need to Establishing An Integrated Macroeconomic and Medium-Term Fiscal Framework for the Iraqi Economy, By Dr. Hashim Al-Ali *

1. ABSTRACT Though the fact Iraq is preparing and issuing a federal annual budget, on yearly basis, since 2004. Besides, and to some extents, Iraq is also adopting few well acknowledged internationally advanced norms in the structure and preparation of the annual budget. Notwithstanding, the existing practice of preparing the budget, being recurrent and/or investment version

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Government Budgeting and Economic Development in Iraq. By Dr. Jasim Al-Ali

Abstract The bulk of revenue that is generated in the Iraqi Economy is from oil export. The oil sector is an enclave sector with very little interaction with other areas of the economy. Government Budgeting is the only medium by which development in the oil sector can be used to promote other areas of the economy. This demands a greater emphasis of the role of budgeting, as an

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Iraq: Debt Reduction, Aid, and Conditionality, By Ali Merza

  For full text of the paper including end-of-paper tables and appendix, click PDF file. Abstract The paper, first, looks at the multifaceted benchmarks that have been included in the various international arrangements with Iraq, post 2003, as conditions for aid and debt reduction. It is noted that for non-Paris Club debt the fulfillment of these benchmarks is only a ne

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