The Real Middle East Crisis Is Economic. By Michael Sing*

It would be naive to think that economic growth will solve all of the Middle East's thorny dilemmas; but it would be equally naive to believe that they can be solved without it. President Obama surprised many recently when he diagnosed the crisis gripping Iraq as partly an economic one, noting that Iraqi Sunnis were "detached from the global economy" and thus frustrated in ach

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How Iraq’s black market in oil funds ISIS. By Luay al-Khatteeb *,

London (CNN) -- Luay al-Khatteeb spoke to CNN about the impact of ISIS' march through northern Iraq, and the militant group's control of some oil fields. He explained how they used the oil fields to raise funds, and how it could impact global prices. This is an edited version of the conversation. How much of Iraq's oil market do ISIS control? ISIS control just a few marginal

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Kirkuk’s oil – How big loss is it going to be for Iraq?

The political turmoil of Iraq is getting more complicated, following the event when Mosul fell into the hands of some parties beyond the government’s control, thus leading the Iraqi army to withdraw from Kirkuk and the peshmerga forces of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to take over — the KRG announced that Kirkuk, which used to be a disputed area between it and the cen

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