Turkey will make our rivers run dry. By Talib Murad Elam *

I was not invited to last week’s Strategic Foresight Group’s Blue Peace meeting in Jordon but that comes as no surprise to me because when, at the Blue Peace meeting in Istanbul in March, I queried why there was no Arabic translation available for the numerous representatives of the Arabic media, I was curtly told by Sundeep Waslekar, founder of the Strategic Foresight Group“We

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U.S. Oil Prices: Let the Good Times Roll? – The case for oil prices also depends on the value of the dollar. By Jim Harden*

Download PDF file A funny thing happened on the way to the euro. When it was first introduced to the global financial markets in 1999, the Euro began to appreciate in value compared to the U.S. dollar (USD). Around this time, West Texas Intermediate crude oil was trading below $20 a barrel. As the dollar lost value, oil began to rise. Is this a coincidence? The dollar began to

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Oil Reserves, Production, Service Contracts, and PSAs Comments on Shafiq’s ‘Iraq’s Oil Historical Perspective’ By Ali Merza*

Download PDF In recently published article, in Iraqi Economists Network, Shafiq (2013b), a respected oil expert, surveys and analyses histories, policy matters, critical issues, establishes parallels, and then reaches conclusions that reflect his deep knowledge and convictions. I do, by and large, share some of his views especially those relating to the oil & gas law, futu

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