The Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Jordan, 2006, By Dr. Hashim Al-Ali*

The Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Jordan, 2006   -An Analytical and Planning Tool for Growth, Income Distribution and Poverty Reduction-   By Dr. Hashim Al-Ali *   Abstract This Report presents the first Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) compiled for Jordan. This Jordanian Social Accounting Matrix (JOSAM) has been constructed using 2006 Input-Output (I

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Iraq’s Oil Historical Perspective: Why? When? How? By Tariq Shafiq *

Table of Contents 1. Why? Iraq’s Oil, the Jewel in a global context: Iraq’s vital techno-economics statistics: Iraq’s Oil and Gas Reserve Iraq’s Oil and Gas in a Global Context A, B and C Iraq Oil Forecast & IEA 2012 Study Graphs  2. When? The Concession Era: the loot of the First World War and 2003 Occupation The Concession & Nationalised Eras The New

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IMF estimates 2014 as the ‘year of investments’ for Iraq

The deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs, Hussain al-Shahristani, stated that the International Monetary Fund estimates indicate that Iraq will keep the rate of increase in economic growth over the next five years, while considered that the year 2014 will be a year of investment in the country. The major economic growth will take place for of course the oil reserves of the

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