
Minimum registration fees: 350 USD, for members of the IEN 250 USD as contribution  to cover following cost: Transportation from Airport to Hotel Holiday Inn Dunes Dinner reception on  arrival day (29.3.2013 ) in the restaurant of Hotel Holiday Inn Dunes Diner reception on first day (30.3.2013) Lunch for two days during the Forum as well as coffee and beverage Rental cost for t

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Water Security in Iraq, By Dr. Hassan Janabi

Introduction: Iraq is facing, for the first time in its long history, a serious water shortage problem. Aside from the seasonal variations in the flows of the Twin Rivers, the Euphrates and Tigris, ancient as well as contemporary Iraqis have never witnessed such a serious threat to water availability in the country. Most importantly, the causes of the recent water scarcity were

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Speaker and Panalists

Iraqi Economists Network

Speakers Adil Abdul Mahdi Senior Economist, former Minister of Finance, former Vice President of IraqTopic: State and Economy in Iraq Dr. Mahdi Al-Alaq Deputy Minister for Planning and DG for COSITTopic: Iraq’s development in light of the Millennium Development Goal Dr. Hassan Al-Janabi Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Iraq to the UN Food and Agriculture

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