My initial oil market review revisited. By Tariq Shafiq *

Download PDFMy Corrected Edited initial oil market review revisited (2) The conclusion of my last Iraq oil market review was reflected by its heading that, ‘Politics cannot be ruled out, but market fundamentals remain in force.’ However, no doubt, views on the subject do differ and each is worthy of consideration. My aim here is not to dispute but to reflect further on this im

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Iraq License Contracts – Facts & Figures. By Asri Musa

Due to the importance of Southern Iraq’s oil field development contracts to the Iraqi economy and the country’s petroleum sector, it has become a political and media topic for speakers and politicians without trying seriously to understand the legal framework, the economic basis, and the oil professional essences of these contracts besides using incorrect and politicized inform

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Opec expects an oil future with smoother sailing. By Saadallah Al Fathi,

Its latest industry forecast reckons oil touching $95 a barrel in real terms by 2040 The annual Opec’s World Oil Outlook (WOO) report has just been issued and gives pointers to the prospects for the energy industry in general and the oil market in particular up to the year 2040 as seen by researchers of the Secretariat. Since the previous report which was issued in November 20

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Baiji Refinery must be salvaged before it’s too late. By Saadallah Al Fathi

The rehabilitation of the refinery is going to be extremely difficult, but with looting the task will be double the cost and more difficult In this column, I am appealing to whomever it may concern in — or out — of Iraq regarding some sad aspects of Baiji refinery, where, for a great part of my career, I was involved in its planning, construction, follow-up and management. The

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