Iraq’s beleaguered petrochemicals sector gets a lift. By Saadallah Al Fathi *

The news from Iraq is not always depressing, though after further scrutiny one becomes apprehensive. A few days ago, the Ministry of Industry (MoI) signed an “in principle” agreement with Royal Dutch Shell to build a petrochemical plant at an estimated cost of $11 billion (Dh40.4 billion) in the Basra region. The plant should be operational in five years, as reported by news a

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Interview with Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar, CEO, URUK

Dr. Jafar co-founded the Uruk Project Development Company in Dubai during 2003. He has extensive experience in the power generation field, having led Iraq’s electricity reconstruction efforts from 1991 to 1999 as well as serving as Chairman of the Iraqi National Committee for Technology Transfer from 1996 to 2003. Dr. Jafar is a staunch supporter of education and an accomplishe

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