Exxon Mobil Exit from West Qurna 1, By Kamil al Mehaidi*

At last Exxon Mobil corporation have made up their mind and opted to sell their 60% share in West Qurna 1 (WQ1)  oil field in Basra, rather than cancelling their recent exploration/production contract in Kurdistan. The Company has already informed the Iraqi Government of their wish to do so, and Iraq has responded by accepting it, provided that the stake is sold to a company a

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Towards Integrated Oil and Gas Databases in Iraq, By Dr. Zaid Abdul Hadi Haba

Towards Integrated  Oil and Gas Databases in Iraq,  By Dr. Zaid Abdul Hadi Haba, Senior Information Technology Consultant Download the whole document as PDF file Introduction The oil and gas industry has to deal with huge amount of data throughout the lifecycle of the exploration, drilling, logging, production, refining, transportation, distribution and marketing of crude o

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