Iraqi farming and privatisation: an interview with Eckart Woertz

Ahead of our forthcoming second report on Iraq’s water resources, we spoke with Eckart Woertz, Director at the GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies and Professor for contemporary history and politics of the Middle East at the University of Hamburg. In 2014, Dr. Woertz published Oil for Food: The Global Food Crisis and the Middle East. A detailed analysis of the political ec

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World Bank* Iraq Electricity Services Reconstruction and Enhancement Project (P162454)

1. Despite massive economic and human potential, Iraq has suffered  from  decades  of  conflict  and economic volatility. The government of Iraq (GoI) faces the dual  challenge  of  stabilizing  and  growing  the economy while also ensuring security, jobs, and basic services to Iraqis across the country. A resource‐rich, middle‐income country, Iraq has experienced internal a

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Fixing Iraq’s power sector. By Luay al-Khatteeb*

Iraq’s long-running electricity dilemma is now a daily source of public misery. The struggle of the power generation and distribution system to keep up with relentless demand caused by almost free electricity, especially as temperatures soar to record levels of over 120 degrees, is likely to get worse without reforms. While the problems facing this critical sector may be num

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The Oxford Institute of Energy Studies* Compounding crises: Iraq’s oil and energy economy by Ahmed Mehdi, Research Associate, OIES and Ali Al-Saffar, IEA

Having already started the year in a fragile position, Iraq entered 2020’s oil price crisis under visibly different  circumstances to the previous crash of 2014-15; In 2015, Iraq was the world’s second-largest contributor to global liquids growth accounting for approximately 75% of OPEC production growth. The launch of a new crude grade – Basra Heavy  and the build-out of new e

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