Baghdad looks to take control of KRG oil. By Adnan Abu Zeed

The Iraqi State Organization for Marketing Oil (SOMO) announced Nov. 2 that it is arranging with Turkey to allow SOMO to sell Iraqi crude from the disputed territories through the pipeline from Kirkuk to the Ceyhan Turkish port. The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) used to export about 500,000 barrels per day independently through Ceyhan before the Baghdad operation to ret

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A few months into his term Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi laid out his vision for reforms in front of global leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos. By the summer of 2015 his political reforms had grabbed all the headlines, overshadowing the reforms he was bringing to the military and economy. But as the fight against Da’ish draws down, the focus has turned back t

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Noah’s Ark – Specialized Incubators

Noah's Ark is a unique Iraqi initiative to alleviate unemployment among youth by institutionalizing youth entrepreneurship. At Noah’s Ark, we have plans to establish Specialized Incubators dedicated to specific tasks as follows: Developing project blueprints for highly viable projects that are well analyzed technically, operationally, and economically. These project bluepri

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A Short Analysis of Shell’s Exit from Iraq Field Development. By Asri Mousa*

Royal Dutch Shell announced this month that it is trying to sell its stake in the Majnoon oilfield in southern Iraq, following a failure to reach agreement with Iraq’s Ministry of Oil. A Shell spokesman told UAE-based newspaper The National: “Following extensive discussions with the Ministry of Oil, the oil minister of Iraq formally endorsed a recent Shell proposal to pursu

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