Baiji Refinery must be salvaged before it’s too late. By Saadallah Al Fathi

The rehabilitation of the refinery is going to be extremely difficult, but with looting the task will be double the cost and more difficult In this column, I am appealing to whomever it may concern in — or out — of Iraq regarding some sad aspects of Baiji refinery, where, for a great part of my career, I was involved in its planning, construction, follow-up and management. The

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Iraqi Oil Contracts: The complementary factors of Management and Politics. By Professor Mustafa Alshawi *

Download PDF Dr Ali Merza’s excellent paper on the “The First Round of Licencing in Iraq: Economic Evaluation” ** has tempted me to write this short article as complementary knowledge to bring about the bigger picture to decision makers when fully evaluating the the next round of the Oil contracts. Although economic evaluation is critical to the decision making process, it do

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