OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report – July 2015

OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report – July 2015 The OPEC Reference Basket averaged $60.21/b in June, representing a decline of $1.95. Crude oil futures prices saw mixed movement with ICE Brent falling by $1.86 to average $63.75/b, while Nymex WTI gained 46¢ to reach $59.83/b. This caused the Brent-WTI spread to narrow to around $3.90/b for the month. Money managers further reduced n

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Erbil-Baghdad oil relations swing between deal, no deal

Erbil-Baghdad oil relations swing between deal, no deal ERBIL, Iraq — Encouraged by more international interest in purchasing its oil, coupled with the apparent failure of the federal Iraqi government to provide agreed-upon budget handouts, the autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has embarked on a new policy of unilateral independent oil sales. Since the b

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Long Live the Price Maker. By: Luay Al-Khatteeb

Long live the price maker Since its inception in 1960, OPEC and the world of oil has often been misunderstood or seen as shrouded in mystique or myth. OPEC members have 81% of the world’s known reserves with 66% being in the Middle East and though it now only accounts for a third of world crude oil production, the importance of the organization for the world’s future shoul

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