USAid: Inma Agribusiness Program Iraq – A Strategy for Dates

Worldwide date production has increased exponentially over the last three decades. Starting in 1965 at about 1.85 million tons, it reached 2.7 million tons in 1985 and 7.0 million tons in 2005. The industry turning point occurred in the early 1980s, during, and immediately after the Iraq-Iran conflict. This conflict disrupted the worldwide date supply, creating shortages in th

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Interview with Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar, CEO, URUK

Dr. Jafar co-founded the Uruk Project Development Company in Dubai during 2003. He has extensive experience in the power generation field, having led Iraq’s electricity reconstruction efforts from 1991 to 1999 as well as serving as Chairman of the Iraqi National Committee for Technology Transfer from 1996 to 2003. Dr. Jafar is a staunch supporter of education and an accomplishe

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Senior Iraqi Oil Expert Mr Tariq Shafiq* commenting on the Iraq Finance Minister, Mr Hoshyar Zebari’s statements on the unpublished Agreement between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Iraqi National Government

My views and conclusion are summarised below: The KRG will receive: 17% (“Ayad Alawi’s” gift, not the Parliament’s, regardless of their true population percentage) + a payment amounting to 17% of the sovereign expenses which is their legal budget obligation + a payment amounting to the net income of the open unspecified or defined oil production for internal consumption (which

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