IMF estimates 2014 as the ‘year of investments’ for Iraq

The deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs, Hussain al-Shahristani, stated that the International Monetary Fund estimates indicate that Iraq will keep the rate of increase in economic growth over the next five years, while considered that the year 2014 will be a year of investment in the country. The major economic growth will take place for of course the oil reserves of the

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Karbala refinery on track. By AYMAN OGHANNA/Iraq Oil Report

BAGHDAD - An engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract to build the $4 billion Karbala refinery will be signed by the beginning of 2014, part of a revived effort by Baghdad to boost its neglected refining sector. "It was supposed to be awarded this year, but there were some issues related to the [budget] allocations for it, and probably it will be awarded at the

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Dana Gas takes Kurdistan to court, By Patrick Osgood of Iraq Oil Report

ERBIL - The consortium managing the only producing natural gas field in Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan region is taking the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to court, alleging overdue payments that are likely to total over $2 billion. The dispute threatens to send an uncharacteristically chilling signal to foreign companies that have generally lauded the KRG's Ministry of Natur

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Re-visiting the Myths of Oil Policies* A Book Review “Oil Policies, Oil Myths” (Dr. Fadhil CHALABI, 2010) By Luay J. Al Khatteeb**, Oct 2012.

Not since Jahangir Amuzeger’s study Managing the Oil Wealth: OPEC Windfalls and Pitfalls (2001) has there been an authoritative study of OPEC. This time Dr. Chalabi’s study is from inside the organisation and for the first time we get an opportunity to see the truth about the workings of OPEC as he sets about chronicling its history. From its beginning in 1960, when Standard oi

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