The Lines That Bind: 100 Years of Sykes-Picot. Andrew J. Tabler, Editor

DOWNLOAD PDF A century after diplomats Mark Sykes of Britain and François Georges-Picot of France drew up a secret agreement to divide the Ottoman lands of the Middle East, a look at the modern map indicates the resulting states have largely stood the test of time -- at least thus far. Most of these states are now under considerable demographic, economic,

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Saudi Arabia’s Economic Time Bomb. By Luay Al Khatteeb

Download PDF: saudi-arabias-economic-time-bomb-by-luay-al-khatteeb Time is a luxury that Saudi Arabia can no longer take for granted. It faces an economic time bomb, which, if not defused, will have severe and possibly irreversible effects both nationally and internationally. The 2014-2015 collapse in oil prices has slashed the Kingdom’s main source of revenue which makes 77

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