This Isn’t Saudi Arabia’s First ISIS Problem. By Abbas Kadhim*

Download PDF: This Isn't Saudi Arabia's First ISIS Problem. By Abbas Kadhim Since the appearance of the self-described Islamic State—formerly the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)—many analysts tried to trace its political, historical, and ideological genesis. In this article I will draw the attention to some striking parallels between ISIL and the Saudi Ikhwan, an

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The Battle for the Soul of Iraqi Kurdistan. BY MICHAEL RUBIN

  Iraq’s Kurds may be moving closer to statehood. But their progress towards democracy leaves much to be desired n the photo, Iraqi Kurdish policemen stand guard outside the United Nations offices in Erbil during a pro-independence demonstration on August 23, 2014. Photo credit: SAFIN HAMED/AFP/Getty Images “Independence and the right of self-determination is our sup

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