OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report – July 2015

OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report – July 2015 The OPEC Reference Basket averaged $60.21/b in June, representing a decline of $1.95. Crude oil futures prices saw mixed movement with ICE Brent falling by $1.86 to average $63.75/b, while Nymex WTI gained 46¢ to reach $59.83/b. This caused the Brent-WTI spread to narrow to around $3.90/b for the month. Money managers further reduced n

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Erbil-Baghdad oil relations swing between deal, no deal

Erbil-Baghdad oil relations swing between deal, no deal ERBIL, Iraq — Encouraged by more international interest in purchasing its oil, coupled with the apparent failure of the federal Iraqi government to provide agreed-upon budget handouts, the autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has embarked on a new policy of unilateral independent oil sales. Since the b

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IMF Executive Board Approves US$1.24 Billion in Financial Support for Iraq

IMF Executive Board Approves US$1.24 Billion in Financial Support for Iraq Press Release No.15/363 July 30, 2015 On July 29, 2015, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved SDR 891.3 million (about US$1.24 billion or 75 percent of quota) for Iraq under the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI)1. The purpose of this financial assistance is to help Iraq

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