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Japan provides $23.5 million to restore stability in liberated areas in Iraq

( Baghdad – The mission of the United Nations in Iraq announced on Monday, that Japan provided $23.5 million US dollars to Iraq to support the stability of the liberated areas from ISIS terrorist gangs, as well as enhancing its ability to deal with crises.

The mission of the United Nations in Iraq (UNAMI) said in a statement followed by, “The Government of Japan provided $23.5 million to the United Nations Development Program in Iraq to support the stability of the liberated areas from ISIS terrorist gangs, as well as enhancing Iraq’s ability to deal with crises,” pointing out that, “The grant will be transferred to the Funding Facility for Immediate Stabilization (FFIS).”

The statement added, “The fund will help in the restoration of the public infrastructure, as well as strengthening the government’s ability and promoting community reconciliation.”

Source: Iraqi News, March 28, 2016



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