Iraqi Reconstruction: Ankara, Baghdad, and Erbil. By Egecan Alan Fay *

Iraqi Economists Network

Last February, Turkish pro-government sources proudly boasted that Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu pledged the most money in the region towards Iraqi reconstruction while attending an international donors conference in Kuwait City. The three-day event brought together civil society representatives, high-level government officials, and NGOs. A total of  $30 billion o

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Saudi Arabia looks to expand its footprint in Iraq. By Ali Mamouri

ARTICLE SUMMARY Following decades of setbacks and years of a rift, Saudi Arabia's rapprochement with Iraq and its support for stability there is accelerating, in what is deemed to be a fundamental change in the relations between the two countries. ALEX BRANDON/AFP/Getty ImagesIraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi (C-L) and Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari (L) meet with Sa

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Siemens aims for active role in rebuilding war-torn Iraq

  Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser, who's currently participating in a conference on rebuilding Iraq, has told DW the German technology giant will play a strong role in reconstruction through its expertise and long-standing ties.   DW: When one sees pictures of the war-torn areas of Iraq, there is little to inspire hope. What gives you hope that the country can be rebuilt?

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THE CONFERENCE On 13th February 2018, and within series of events of the Kuwait International Conference of Iraq Reconstruction and Development, Kuwait Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI) will organize jointly with the National Investment Commission of the Republic of Iraq, the World Bank (WB) and the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) a conference entit

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