4th Iraqi-German Business Forum 13.-14. September 2017 in Berlin

Die Republik Irak entwickelt sich wieder mehr und mehr zu einem wichtigen Handelspartner Deutschlands. Das deutsch-irakische Handelsvolumen ist seit 2015 stetig angestiegen und betrug im Jahr  2016  rund 1,3 Mrd. Euro. Bis 2021 wird vom internationalen Währungsfond ein stetiges Wirtschaftswachstum prognostiziert. Der irakische Markt birgt großes Potenzial für die deutsche Wir

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What’s needed to help Mosul recover? UNDP Iraq’s Lise Grande explains

Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), and UNDP Resident Representative in Iraq, Ms. Lise Grande, gave the below interview to The Fiscal Times in response to a query on the scale of rebuilding needed to bring Mosul back to life.   How soon can the rebuilding of Mosul begin? Do mines and booby traps have to be cleared be

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How Can Iraq Rebuild? By JACK WATLING

The dilemma is that it needs money—and will inevitably lose some to corruption. On Sunday, Haider al-Abadi, the prime minister of Iraq, visited Mosul to herald the success of his army’s nine-month struggle to recapture the city from the Islamic State. In a speech on state television the next day, he declared “the end and the failure and the collapse of the terrorist state of

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