The Road to Economic Recovery in Iraq. – By Adam Abuelheiga

SEATTLE, Washington — Iraq has been facing some extremely difficult times for nearly two decades now. Despite the success in ending the reign of Saddam Hussein, many people view the Iraq War as having been ineffective and ultimately causing more harm than good. While the reign of ISIS in the country has ended, there is still a long way to go on the journey to economic recovery

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What Will It Take to Repair Middle Eastern Economies? By Bilal Wahab

Directly investing in nongovernmental enterprise and giving international approval to private competition can change the dynamic in individual countries, promote liberal economies, and give citizens greater agency. The following is an excerpt from Bilal Wahab’s contribution to the new American Enterprise Institute book Seven Pillars: What Really Causes Instability in the Mid

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Trump’s Strikes Risk Upending Iraqi Politics. By Renad Mansour

Killing Soleimani Undermines a Drive for Democratic Reform The January 3 killing in Baghdad of Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi paramilitary leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis risked pushing Iran and the United States to war. Despite an escalation in hostilities that saw Iranian missiles hit U.S. bases in Iraq, the prospect of an all-out war between the two countries ha

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Mudher M. Saleh’s testimony re: the appreciation of Iraqi Dinar in 2006-8, raises serious questions? By Dr Amer K. Hirmis *

1.                Introduction [1] The purpose of this note is to shed light, and comment, on two views expressed recently in relation to the appreciation of the Iraq Dinar (IQD) in 2006-2008.   Muhammad Tawfiq Alawi (henceforth M. Alawi), former minister of communications in Iraq, gave a talk on December 13, 2019 in Washington D.C. to an Iraqi audience, in which he

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