IMF sees improvement in Iraq, despite several problems

The Fund’s mission met with representatives of the Iraqi government. Conflicts and oil’s low prices drove the country’s GDP down 2.1% in 2015, but the organization sees improvement in fiscal policies. São Paulo – In the last few days, a mission from the INTERNATIONAL Monetary Fund (IMF) met with representatives from the Iraqi government in AMMAN, Jordan, for a Staff-Monitored

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Speech by World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim: Fulfilling Iraq’s Potential

Mr. Speaker, Members of Parliament, Mr. Secretary General, and distinguished guests. It is a great honor to address you today from the home of one of the first great legislator, Hammurabi.  His Code helped shape Babylonian society into the form of government that Iraq strives for today – one that is united, prosperous and based on the rule of law. So it is with great optimism

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Get house in order, World Bank tells Iraq. By Daniel J. Graeber

BAGHDAD, March 28 (UPI) -- Faced with threats from terrorism and low oil prices, the world community is ready to help, but Iraqis make take initiatives, the U.N. secretary-general said. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon joined the heads of the World Bank and the Islamic Development Bank in expressing solidarity with Iraqi leaders struggling to ensure financial and national st

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Iran, Iraq ink banking MoU

Iran and Iraq inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in banking sector in Baghdad on March 23. The MoU was inked in a meeting attended by visiting Governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Valiollah Seif and his Iraqi counterpart Ali Al Alagh in Baghdad, IRNA reported. During the visit, the two sides discussed ways for fostering banking cooperation. Seif and Al-Alagh als

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