Iraq needs foreign help to overcome loss of oil income, premier says

Rome (dpa) - The Iraqi economy, reeling from the collapse of world oil prices, needs international help to adjust to the shock, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said Wednesday. Oil - which provides more than 90 per cent of Iraq‘s government revenue - is currently worth little more than 30 dollars per barrel, down from about 110 dollars in mid-2014. "We are experiencing a very d

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Salt industry evaporating in Iraq. By Wassim Bassem *

BABIL, Iraq — Ali al-Jubouri, a farmer from the Babil countryside, patiently waits every year for the rainwater to evaporate from local natural salt lakes. He and his family then collect the salt left behind to sell to merchants. Ali is among a group of poor farmers forced by now-arid lands to find makeshift opportunities to earn income and provide for their families. Many resi

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BAGHDAD — Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi met with G7 leaders on Sunday (Feb. 7), while the House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri met with the British and Romanian Ambassadors to Iraq on Monday (Feb. 8). Ambassadors of the major industrialized countries expressed their countries' full support for Iraq in its financial crisis, which is suffering as a result of the collapse in oil prices

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Millionaire commander protects Kurdish capital against IS

Sirwan Barzani, telecoms magnate and president’s nephew, is on the front line against critics and the ‘world’s most dangerous terrorists’ MAKHMOUR, Iraq - Before reaching the Black Tiger Peshmerga Base, which borders the frontline with the Islamic State-controlled area south of Mosul, one can see a banner that proclaims “Kurdistan or Death”. This is the base named after a high

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Kurds destroyed ‘thousands’ of Arab homes in Iraq: Amnesty

Peshmerga forces 'appear to be spearheading a concerted campaign to forcibly displace Arab communities,' Amnesty says Kurdish forces have destroyed thousands of homes in northern Iraq in an apparent attempt to uproot Arab communities, Amnesty International said on Tuesday. The rights group said the destruction took place after Kurdish forces captured areas from the Islamic Sta

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