CORRECTED-Iraq budget deficit seen at 11.9 pct of GDP in 2016 – minister

Oct 21 (Reuters) - Iraq's fiscal deficit is expected to hit 11.9 percent of economic activity in 2016, the finance minister said on Wednesday, as the country struggles to fund fighting against Islamic State in the face of dropping crude prices. The government's budget proposal, which awaits parliamentary approval, envisions expenditures of 106.9 trillion dinars ($95 billion) w

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IEN sponsors and actively participate on the 4th.Conferance of the International Association of Contemporary Iraqi Studies, 5th. to 7th.November 2015 in Cairo

The State of Iraq and Iraqi Studies since Regime Change is the main theme of this multi-disciplinary academic conference, which will examine, analyze and evaluate the state of Iraq and Iraqi studies at the contemporary historical moment.  Participants shall present scholarly research on current conditions within and around the academic study of Iraq, focusing on areas as divers

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Whose Political System is More Stable – Iraqi Kurdistan’s or the ‘Real’ Iraq’s? By Kawa Sheikh-Abdulla

In Iraqi Kurdistan one local party has just paralysed the whole political system. It's a region touted as the “other Iraq” because it's more stable and prosperous. But how does the “other Iraq” compare now? The repercussions of the event that took place on the morning of October 12, 2015, at the entrance of Erbil, the capital city of the semi-autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdist

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France and Saudi Arabia sign contracts worth 10 billion euros

The French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, accompagnied by his Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, signed 10 billion euro worth of contracts on Tuesday with Saudi Arabia. Deals mainly concern the fields of transport, energy and aerospace. The 10 billion deal includes accords, contracts and letters of intent between the two countries whose economic and political ties have been st

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Is Iraq’s Oil Industry going to grind to a halt?

The fall in crude oil prices combined with Iraq’s ongoing war against the ISIS have brought much needed oil production projects aimed at nourishing and sustaining the oil industry in Iraq to an aggressive halt. While plans to expand output to more than 4 million barrels a day by injecting seawater from the Persian Gulf into southern oil fields to extract remaining oil resource

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