Kurdish Bond Opens New Front in Autonomy Battle With Baghdad

Kurdish Bond Opens New Front in Autonomy Battle With Baghdad An Iraqi official said the Kurds who govern the north of the country have no right to sell their own bonds, opening a new dispute between the Baghdad government and the breakaway region. The Kurdistan Regional Government says it has hired Goldman Sachs International and Deutsche Bank AG to gauge interest in a sale of

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Iraqis say ISIL’s impact on Baghdad food prices is even worse than its car bombs

Iraqis say ISIL’s impact on Baghdad food prices is even worse than its car bombs BAGHDAD—Four years after US troops pulled out of the Iraqi capital, local merchants are once more cursing America. “Look at these prices,” Abu Mustafa said, as he gestured at the mounds of fruits and vegetables around his stall at Karrada market. “Look what the dollar has done to them. Who can

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Iraq’s oil exports hit record high so far in June

Iraq's oil exports have averaged 3.20 million barrels per day (bpd) so far in June, according to loading data and an industry source, setting shipments from OPEC's second-largest producer on course for a record high. Another boost from Iraq underlines the focus of major members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries in keeping market share, not restraining su

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Prepare for an upcoming conflict in OPEC

Since the beginning of 2015 there have been reports that the three largest producers in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, namely Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran, would increase their exports to record levels by end of year. This has happened for bothSaudi Arabia and Iraq and will likely occur with Iran once a nuclear deal is reached with the United States. The

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