IMF to hand Iraq $830m emergency funding as it struggles to battle ISIS

IMF to hand Iraq $830m emergency funding as it struggles to battle ISIS International Monetary Fund has agreed to help its ‘efforts to tackle the economic impact of the conflict with Isis and the decline in global oil prices’ The International Monetary Fund said on Friday it was preparing $833m in emergency financial assistance to Iraq as the country battles the 

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IMF Mission Reaches Staff-Level Agreement on Financial Assistance to Iraq

IMF Mission Reaches Staff-Level Agreement on Financial Assistance to Iraq An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission led by Carlo Sdralevich visited Amman from May 27 – June 4, 2015 to discuss with the Iraqi authorities financial assistance to Iraq under the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI). At the end of the visit, Mr. Sdralevich issued the following statement: “The missio

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Iraq Situation Report 2-3 June 2015. By: Theodore Bell and Patrick Martin

Key Takeaway: ISIS is once again attempting to leverage Iraqi dams to force operational recalculations on the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF).  On June 2 ISIS closed the Warrar Dam, north of Ramadi, threatening water supplies to Khalidiya and Habaniya, east of Ramadi, where the ISF and "Popular Mobilization" have staged counter-offensives since the fall of Ramadi on May 18. Uncon

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Iraq Through Investors’ Eyes

Against a backdrop of difficult political and economic transitions, Iraq is once again opening its doors to foreign business. Decades of war, sanctions and hardship have left the country with a devastated infrastructure, and the government is looking to foreign investment and expertise in its bid to rebuild and expand. The story of Iraqi oil is by now well known: the country ha

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Iraq Energy Outlook

This report examines the energy outlook for Iraq, the way in which energy can contribute to the country’s much-needed social and economic development over the coming decades and the way in which Iraq’s energy can affect global oil and gas markets. Chapter 1 sets the scene with an analysis of Iraq’s energy sector today and the role that it plays in the national economy, supporte

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