Iraq’s Pay Dispute With Turkey Keeps Kurdish Oil From Flowing

Baghdad needs to resolve financial claims against Ankara Dispute’s part of Iraq attempt to control Kurdish oil exports By Anthony Di Paola, Khalid Al Ansary and Verity Ratcliffe April 2023 um 12:22 MESZ Iraq needs to resolve billions of dollars in financial claims with Turkey before resuming oil exports via a Mediterranean port, threatening more delays in b

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Oil smuggling from Kurdistan to Iran

Iranian official, Mohammad Haidari, the governor of Qasri Shirin city in Kermanshah province, has told Fars news agency that an average of 300 tankers of fuel are exported daily from PUK-controlled Sulaimani to Iran via the Parvezkhan border crossing. The Iranian official did not specify the type of fuel exported from the Kurdistan Region, making it unclear whether it was oi

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Analysis: Iraq’s arbitration win reshapes Baghdad-Erbil relationship

Key details of the landmark Iraq-Turkey arbitration ruling have big implications for the future of Baghdad-Erbil power dynamics and the KRG oil sector. BEN VAN HEUVELEN AND BEN LANDO OF IRAQ OIL REPORT SATURDAY, APRIL 8TH, 2023 Iraq's arbitration victory against Turkey has fundamentally changed the power dynamics that enabled the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to

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