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A rejoinder to World Bank’s response to my article Re: ‘World Bank assessment is flawed…manufacturing is viable in Iraq.’By Dr. Amer Hirmis

To the editors of the ‘Iraqi Economists Network’ (IEN)


At the outset, my thanks go to the editors of the IEN and also to the World Bank’s ‘Country Economic Memorandum Team’ (WB-Team) for their interest in my article posted at the IEN website in early March ( My article provides a critique of the late September 2020 World Bank report entitled ‘Breaking out of fragility: a country economic memorandum for diversification and growth in Iraq’ (henceforth WB- 2020). I am also grateful to WB-Team for making their response (henceforth ‘WB Response’) to my article available to IEN (


Here, I shall touch on common ground, points of difference, a few research issues and, finally, conclude with a view on both my published article and WB-Team’s response.

To continue reading click on following link

Rejoinder – WB response on IEN March 2021 -IEN edition

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