Iraqi Economists Network

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Iraq Sets New Price Mechanism for Kurdistan Oil Sales. By Khalid Al-Ansary

(Bloomberg) — Iraq said Kurdistan oil will be sold at

international prices and told companies buying supplies to sign new contracts, Rudaw reported citing unnamed sources.

Representatives from the Kurdistan Regional Government and Iraqi government met on Friday and agreed on the new mechanism to sell Kurdistan oil jointly. Negotiations on contracts and finding new buyers in addition to current ones for the oil at Turkey’s port of Ceyhan will follow, Rudaw added.

Two Iraqi officials denied the Rudaw report, telling Bloomberg that no agreement has been reached yet.

Iraqi Oil Shutdowns Worsen as Gulf Keystone Cuts Output

Last week Iraq’s oil ministry urged Kurdistan to agree with Baghdad and

restart oil flows to Ceyhan.

To contact the reporter on this story:

Khalid Al-Ansary in Baghdad at

To contact the editors responsible for this story:

Nayla Razzouk at
Sara Marley, Gautam Naik

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