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Iraq commends German companies’ participation in development projects

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, confirmed on Monday that Iraq welcomes the participation of German companies in Iraq’s development initiatives.

Al-Sudani’s statement took place during his meeting with Germany’s Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, Tobias Lindner, and his accompanying delegation, according to a statement released by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).

The Iraqi Prime Minister stated that the government is still working to improve the investment climate and attract foreign capabilities, particularly in light of the Development Road project’s introduction and the opportunities it offers.

Al-Sudani talked about the stability achieved in Iraq and the increasing capabilities of the Iraqi security forces. He also confirmed that efforts to withdraw the international coalition and switch to bilateral relations with its member states have been proceeding, particularly in light of the defeat of ISIS terrorists.

Additionally, Iraq’s Prime Minister discussed the current situation in the Gaza Strip, Iraq’s efforts to deliver humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, and efforts made to achieve a ceasefire and prevent the expansion of the conflict.

Al-Sudani also called on the international community to bear responsibility for putting an end to the ongoing war and assault that the Palestinian people are subjected to.

Lindner commended the progress, economic growth, and stability achieved in Iraq, stressing that the German government will proceed with the joint action plan that Al-Sudani agreed upon with the German Chancellor during his recent visit to Berlin.

The German minister expressed his country’s support for the Iraqi government’s steps to end the presence of the international coalition in Iraq, expressing Germany’s readiness to sign a bilateral cooperation agreement with Iraq in the security and military fields.

Source : Iraqi News, 19. March 2024

Iraq commends German companies’ participation in development projects


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    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, 

    Mein Name ist Sajjad Kaabawi, ich bin 28 Jahre alt. Ich wohne seit 2014 in Deutschland. Ich habe eine kaufmännische Ausbildung in Deutschland absolviert und nun bin ich auf der Suche nach einer Arbeitsstelle im Irak. Ich habe in vielen Bereichen Erfahrungen gesammelt. Aktuell arbeite ich in einer großen Firma als Objektleiter in der Brand- und Wasserschadensanierung.
    Ich freue mich auf eine Antwort.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Sajjad Kaabawi

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