What Is at Stake in Iraqi Kurdish Vote for Independence? By Michael Knights

Michael Knights

Despite all the diplomatic posturing and domestic politicking, the day after the referendum may look very much like the day before. On 25 September, the residents of Kurdish-controlled areas inside Iraq will have the opportunity to vote in a referendum on their preference for the future of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), a semi-autonomous region within Iraq's current bor

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The potentially profound and widespread consequences of September’s Kurdish independence vote . By Feisal Amin Rasoul Al-Istrabadi *

Feisal Isterabadi

There are many issues that are likely to erupt between an independent Kurdistan and Iraq There is so little doubt that the referendum called for September on Kurdish independence from Iraq will pass overwhelmingly that it seems a waste of resources to hold it at all. To be clear, I do not oppose it: if Iraqi Kurds wish to declare their independence, they have that right. Pri

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Iraq’s Kurds question motives behind independence vote. By Ibrahim Malazada*

SULAIMANIYAH, Kurdistan Region of Iraq — The political establishment in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq is divided in opposition to and support for holding a referendum on independence and what the government's priorities should otherwise be.   One possible casualty of the dispute is Alaa Talabani, who was relieved of her position as head of the Patriotic Union of Kurdist

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